
Prepare to Play! A Manual for the Guidelines of Fotyomaç

What Is Fotyomaç?

Fotyomaç is a two-player dynamic technique game from Turkey. It is played on a 4×4 board. The game is played with high contrast pieces, with every player having eight pieces. The object of the game is to catch the adversary’s all’s pieces, or to hinder the rival’s pieces with the goal that they can’t take additional actions.

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The game is remembered to have begun in the Ottoman Realm, and today is as yet famous in Turkey. It is like the round of checkers, yet it has maybe a couple rules. For instance, in Fotyoma, pieces can move slantingly as well as advances and in reverse. Furthermore, there is no understanding of “bouncing” over pieces in Fotyoma – in the event that a piece is obstructing another piece’s way, that part should be caught.

There are two methods for winning in Fotyoma – either by catching the adversary’s all’s pieces, or by catching the rival’s pieces with the goal that they can’t take additional actions. In the event that neither one of the players has won after the pieces have been all played, the game is a draw.

Fotyoma is a tomfoolery and testing game that can be delighted in by individuals, all things considered. In the event that you’re searching for another game to add to your assortment, make certain to check Fotyoma out!

The Fundamental Standards and Goals of Fotyomaç


The fundamental standards of Fotyoma are very straightforward. The target of the game is to score however many focuses as could be allowed by playing a card game from your hand onto the table. The game is played with an ordinary deck of 52 cards, and the Ace is worth 1 point, the 2 is worth 2 focuses, etc. The game is played between two players, and every player is managed a hand of 7 cards.

The player with the most focuses toward the finish of the game dominates.


The essential target of Fotyoma is to score focuses by playing a card game from your hand onto the table. The game is played with a customary deck of 52 cards, and the Ace is worth 1 point, the 2 is worth 2 focuses, etc. The game is played between two players, and every player is managed a hand of 7 cards.

The player with the most focuses toward the finish of the game dominates.


There are a couple of fundamental strategies that can assist you with succeeding at Fotyoma. One is to attempt to monitor what cards have been played, with the goal that you can all the more likely foresee what cards your rival has in their grasp. Another is to attempt to play high-scoring cards from the get-go in the game, so you can pile up focuses rapidly.

In the event that you can remember these fundamental strategies, you’ll be well en route to succeeding at Fotyoma!

Step by step instructions to Set Up the Board for a Round of Fotyomaç

Setting up the board for a round of Fotyoma should be possible in a couple of straightforward advances. To begin with, track down a level surface on which to play the game. This can be a table, the floor, or even a smooth part of ground outside. Whenever you have tracked down a reasonable surface, spread out the game board. The game barricade is made of 49 more modest squares, every one of which is partitioned into nine considerably more modest squares.

The game board ought to seem to be a framework, with each line and section having nine squares. The primary column ought to have one square, the subsequent line ought to have two squares, etc, until the 10th line, which ought to have nine squares. When the game load up is spread out, the time has come to put the game pieces. Every player will require two game pieces, which can be anything from coins to little stones. One player will be dark, and the other player will be white.

To conclude which player is which, every player ought to take one of their game pieces and put it on the board. Dark will go first, and white will go second. Dark ought to place their piece on the square in the principal line and the main segment, and white ought to place their piece on the square in the primary line and the subsequent section. When the two players have set their pieces, the game can start!

The Development of the Pieces in Fotyomaç

Fotyoma is a game for two players, played on a 8×8 board. The game is played with high contrast pieces, and every player has 16 pieces. The game can be played with a standard chess set, or with unique Fotyoma pieces.

The goal of the game is to catch the adversary’s above all else. And the game is dominated by either checkmating the adversary’s above all else, or by catching the rival’s all’s pieces.

The game can likewise be drawn in the event that neither one of the players has an adequate number of parts of checkmate the other, or on the other hand assuming a similar position is rehashed multiple times.

The game is begun with the dark player taking the main action. Dark generally moves first in Fotyoma. After the dark player takes their action, the white player then, at that point, takes their action. Players then, at that point, substitute turns, taking one action for every turn.

There are two methods for moving the pieces in Fotyoma:

1. The pieces can be moved each space in turn, toward any path.

    2. The pieces can take an exceptional action called a “fotyomaç.” A fotyomaç is a move that permits a part of move two spaces toward any path, as long as the piece doesn’t arrive on similar space as one of its own pieces.

    The dark player can make a fotyomaç with any of its pieces, aside from the ruler. The white player can make a fotyomaç with any of its pieces, with the exception of the ruler and the sovereign.

    The sovereign is the most impressive piece in Fotyoma, and can move toward any path, including slantingly. The sovereign can likewise make a fotyomaç.

    The ruler is the second most impressive piece in Fotyoma, and can move toward any path, with the exception of slantingly. The ruler can’t make a fotyomaç.

    The rook is a strong piece that can move evenly or in an upward direction. The rook can’t make a fotyomaç.

    The minister is a strong piece that can move slantingly. The priest can’t make a f

    Strategies and Tactics to Succeed at Fotyomaç


    The round of Fotyoma is a strategic prepackaged game played on a square board separated into a lattice of squares. It is remembered to have started in the Center East and is believed to be one of the most seasoned prepackaged games actually played today. The game is played between two players, every one of whom has sixteen pieces, or “stones”, of their own variety. The object of the game is to catch the adversary’s all’s pieces, or to hinder the rival’s pieces so they can’t take additional actions.

    There are various strategies and tactics that can be utilized to succeed at Fotyoma, and it depends on the player to choose which ones to use to overcome their rival. The absolute most normal strategies and tactics are recorded beneath.


    One of the main things to recall while playing Fotyoma is that the game is tied in with catching the adversary’s pieces. In this manner, it is essential to constantly be contemplating how to catch the rival’s pieces, and to take actions that will set you in a situation to do as such.

    An effective method for doing this is to control the focal point of the board. The focal point of the board is the main region, as it gives you the most choices for taking actions and for catching the rival’s pieces. Subsequently, it is much of the time a smart thought to attempt to control the focal point of the load up from the very outset of the game.

    Another significant system is to attempt to hold your pieces together, and to ensure that they are cooperating towards a shared objective. It is much of the time a smart thought to have your pieces in gatherings of a few, with the goal that they can uphold one another and make it more challenging for the rival to catch them.


    There are a wide range of tactics that can be utilized in Fotyoma, and it ultimately depends on the player to choose which ones to use to overcome their rival. Probably the most well-known tactics are recorded underneath.

    One of the main things to recollect is that the game is tied in with catching the adversary’s pieces. In this way, it is

    Assets to Look into Fotyomaç

    Fotyoma is a customary Turkish game that is remembered to trace all the way back to the Ottoman Realm. The game is played with an exceptional deck of cards that include Turkish themes, and the goal is to eliminate each of the cards from the block by coordinating them with cards of a similar worth. The game can be played with two to four players, and is an incredible method for investing some energy with companions or family.

    On the off chance that you’re keen on diving more deeply into Fotyoma, there are a couple of assets that can take care of you. In the first place, investigate this article from the site Turkish Culture, which gives a concise outline of the game and its principles. You can likewise look at this video instructional exercise from YouTube, which delves into somewhat more insight concerning how to play. At long last, for a more inside and out check out at the game and its set of experiences, investigate this book from Amazon.

    With these assets close by, you ought to have the option to get everything rolling playing Fotyoma quickly. So get a few companions, mix up the cards, and see who can be quick to discharge their hand! Click here.

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