If you’re considering scalp micro pigmentation (SMP) or hair tattoo in Melbourne, you should know some essential facts before taking the plunge. SMP is a cosmetic procedure in which pigment is injected into the scalp to give the appearance of fuller, thicker hair. Many people choose it to camouflage hair loss or disguise scars.
Here’s everything you need to know about scalp micro pigmentation before you make a decision

1. Purpose of Scalp Micro Pigmentation
This treatment treats scalp and other hair disorders. At its best, scalp micro pigmentation gives the appearance of fuller, thicker hair. It’s appropriate to refer to it as a hair concealer. It achieves a very lifelike appearance by injecting hundreds of tiny dots beneath the distant layer of your scalp. It is not a completely painless treatment, but it is well worth it.
2. It Doesn’t Regrow Your Hair
Scalp micro pigmentation does not include regrowing your hair but rather giving the appearance of neatly shaven hair, sometimes known as a buzz cut. It is the ideal answer for everyone who has accepted that hair is gone and will never grow back. In today’s fashionable era, you would not want to walk with your bald head, and this method may help you do that hassle-free.
3. Time Taken for the Procedure
This non-invasive therapy may take several sessions to complete. Your specialist may advise you to protect your scalp in the first several hours after the treatment. It will help minimise mild fading caused by air exposure and heat. Furthermore, the most visible fading might occur within the first month after your tattoo. Fortunately, a specialist may prescribe sunscreen creams that you can use to prevent this from happening.
Conventional hair loss treatments, such as taking medication, takes a long time to produce apparent benefits and even longer to recover. This technique requires a few sessions to complete. Because this is a non-invasive technique, there is no lengthy recovery period.
4. Scalp Micro Pigmentation is a Safe Procedure
The outcome of this surgery is something you can be sure of. This process is the safest compared to other chemical-infused hair products. Because the technique involves using scalp ink in Melbourne and is non-invasive, there are no deep incisions into your scalp. It implies that the likelihood of acquiring infections decreases. At the same time, hairline tattooing does not necessitate any post-procedure care.
With no incisions required and no chemicals utilised, it is safe to claim that this process is one of the safest hair loss treatments. The treatment is almost painless, and the danger of infection is minimal.
5. No Comb Overs
As a hair loss sufferer, you may want to try to conceal your baldness. The comb-over is the worst of them all. If you attempt a comb-over, people will see straight through it and acknowledge that getting a haircut is too embarrassing, which is what eventually causes many to select scalp micro pigmentation.
You no longer have to squander your money on worthless hair loss remedies. Everyone with extreme hair fall would want to appear their best in the shortest amount of time and with the least amount of financial risk. So, SMP is a fraction of the expense of other hair growth therapy options, such as a hair transplant.
6. Looks Natural
Even though you are not gaining actual hair, this technique uses scalp ink that removes all your bald patches while giving you a lifelike appearance. Because of the way the ink pigments get injected into your scalp, anyone will have to examine it very closely to see that it is not your natural hair.
This technique matches the colour of your hair follicle to that of your natural hair. For more realistic effects, our professionals ensure that your hair tattoo gets processed in the natural direction of your hair development.
7. Less Maintenance
Because no natural hair gets implanted in your skin, you do not need to purchase expensive hair products to preserve and support their development. You also don’t have to worry about taking additional morning time to style your hair. All you need to do is wash the pigmented areas, add some shine with hair wax, and you’ll be good to go.
8. You will Need to Have the Best SMP Practitioner
To get the best results of scalp micro pigmentation, you must first check on your potential SMP clinic and the specialist. Many people do not check on the certifications, reviews, and before-after photo leaves them with unsatisfactory results. So, to ensure you get the best and long-lasting results of scalp micro pigmentation, find the best scalp micro pigmentation specialist near you and get it done after checking all the credentials.
9. No Fading
One of the parallels between scalp micro pigmentation and tattooing is this. Scalp micro pigmentation is sometimes known as hairline tattooing. If you get the treatment done, you won’t have to worry about your new hairline fading after a few years.
After this scalp pigmentation technique, you will feel you have regained your hair. You won’t have to worry about the effects fading quickly and revealing your best-hidden secret. If any fading occurs, it is very mild and gradual over a lengthy period.
10. Look Younger
When you notice you are balding, the idea that a balding guy appears much older than he is is enough to cause concern. Scalp micro pigmentation or hair tattoo gives you the impression of full hair while also making you feel younger and more confident.Click here
Know More About SMP with Lion Mane SMP
If you’re considering SMP, there are a few things you need to know before making a decision. SMP is a cosmetic procedure that can help camouflage hair loss or disguise scars. Most people report little to no side effects from the treatment. However, it is considered permanent and can fade if you don’t take proper care of your scalp. So, if you are considering SMP, remember these facts. Also, if you want to know more, connect with our experts at Lion Mane SMP.